So I have officially sold my first print that wasn’t to a family member or a friend (Not to say that your print isn’t special Asylus) Yes you heard me correctly, one of my prints is going to be hanging in a bank (Not sure what bank but I for see getting arrested in trying to find out! Good times.) Man I feel a little fuzzy from it. I mean someone likes my shit enough to pay money for it.
Well I am going to head out to the lovely but very greesy Keegans this evening and spend some more quality time with my laptop. My laptop and I have been spending a lot of time together while Miranda is in Montreal, but I mean what can you do :) I better go early though cause the corner has been quite busy as of late.
man, how many congratulatory poos do I have to tell you to have these days!
i’m totally thrilled for you!
My Laptop and I have been spending lots of time in the Washroom. :)
Wheee! Selling prints is a good thing. Congrats again :)
congrats man! but yes, mine is special, perhaps even specialer than the other one. any word on the gigantic industrial one by chance? ;)