You post a job posting on Craigslist and you might get this guy as an applicant. Seriously let us all listen to him tell us his qualifications and his resume. I don’t know though his people skills may need a bit of work, but his phone etiquette seems to be quite superb :) I heart people!
I Really Really Do!
The amusement never stops!
I do love me a good internet sleuthing expedition though. With a call from a blocked number we now know he called using a Rogers Wireless phone, he is located in Vancouver, we have his active gmail address, we have his IP, we logged into his shitty Telus router, we know he drinks the Microsoft/IE koolaid, and we know he’s offered the same to other craigslist posters so he is obviously an unemployed reject with nothing better to do. Yay! Now, on with the rest of my day.
Oh – and of course, his name is Dave.