It would seem that the sea to sky is temporally ruined..

...this is not my photo... i stole it and i do feel bad...
...this is not my photo... i stole it and i do feel bad...

I bet there is about 40,000 people that are really glad this didn’t happen on… lets say…. Thursday? Pemperton via Cache Creek is a bit of a long drive.

2 thoughts on “Wow I bet there is about 40,000 people that are glad this didnt happen last friday…

  1. I’ve been hearing all about the rock slide on the news, but I’d never even thought about how close in time it was to PemFest. That certainly would have been a gong show. I wonder if there would have been enough fuel in all the cars and along the long route to get everyone home without a lot of cars being abandoned temporarily.

  2. you feel bad for stealing the photo..ya..i can feel the remorse.. ;)

    ya kinda brutal mcstrudel..

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