I have been cleaning and fixing up the house over the last few days because it is going on the market. It has been a crazy job, and I haven’t really seen an end in sight for so long that I feel like there isn’t one. However, today I am cleaning it up spotless and taking photos for the listings and then I am taking a break from it all and going out side where the weather is fine and the sun is shining. I am far to busy in other avenues to go out and take photos of random stuff but I have achieved complete portability in the photo processing department so that is what shall be..
I have also been on a new music download spree over the last while. What I often do is search for random keywords and then download odd songs here and there. If there is something that I like, I will explore it more, or if someone has an artist that I like, I will browse them and spot-download random things. I have come up with some great stuff that way. It was how I originally discovered Rainer Maria. Anyway, I am still sorting through a bunch of this, but one interesting one is The Starting Line. & Fall Out Boy. I am sure most of you are saying hey, they have been around forever, and you are just hearing about them now? I live under a rock I know, there is no need to point that out. Anywho
The photo of the day is!
Camera: Canon 1D Mark II
Aperture: 2.8
Shutter: 1/100
Lens: 24-70mm @ 65mm
ISO: 100
Date Taken: April 03 2005
Cross processed! It’s all about making everything look like an episode of Cold Case. W00!