Now as you may or may not know, we participated in The East Side Culture Crawl for the first time last year, and well it was a pretty awesome experience. We had (near as we can tell by comparing data with our culture crawl neighbours & extrapolating from time lapse footage) around 1200 people come visit our space over the three days.
Almost needless to say we are doing it again this year but this time I am going to do my best to document the making and prepping that will go into preparing both our space and our artwork for this years Culture Crawl.
With only 16 days left until the Crawl begins and being that we are right smack in the middle of our “day jobs” busiest season and having hardly done anything to prep the studio yet we have our work cut out for us to say the absolute least! :) However, we do tend to work well on deadlines so I am only partly panicking about it all.
Now for our first crawl last year I will admit that I was truly all over the place. I basically stuck everything and anything that I’d been working on creatively onto the walls or into headphones :) there wasn’t a bit of space that wasn’t transformed into a ‘gallery‘ of some kind.
This year I am planning on taking a much more organized approach to it all. I am splitting my creative pursuits into three main categories. Music, Photo Artistry, & Indie Film. Here is the coles notes version of what that looks like but follow along to see how each project will unfold.
We are setting up a stage for the weekend that both my bands My Friend Lisa & Politely Awkward preform on the friday night. We are also thinking about perhaps having an open mic night on Saturday with the idea that people can share performances open to our friends and other people that have something they want to show the world. Its just a thought right now but if this interested you let me know and we can discuss more!
We also hope to showcase some of the recording work that we have been doing over the last while for ourselves as well as other ridiculously talented people.
As always I will have some of my cut ups on display as well as other visual works. I also plan on talking a lot more about how i do things in the realm of photography.
On display will be some of the film works that we have made recently ranging for the continued study of inanimate objects or irrelevant technology  to the film bi-products of our last My Friend Lisa – Band Camp
Basically you can follow along here or follow me on twitter @jerkwithacamera as we transform our studio over the next 16 days!