Today I happened to find myself in the acoustic guitar section of the downtown Tom Lee. I was strumming away the hours on this nice Taylor guitar (it happens to be the Taylor guitar I was going to buy when I become a rich & famous rockstar) when this other customer comes on in & we strike up a conversation about the Taylor guitars I was playing as well as other guitars. I tell him about my favourite guitars and he tell me about his & after one thing leads to another we come up with a deal to potentially trade some of this for some of that. Fastforward to a 1/2hr later where I meet up with him at a coffee shop near his house and I trade him a guitar and some gear that I had for sale for his super lovely Taylor 314ce guitar.
I think I will name it Hannah mostly because Hannah is a good name but also because it is a palindrome and palindrome’s are cool! Yup it is beyond super swell! That is all!