It is not often that one gets to say that they spent their evening taking photos of lady bugs fucking! But I can :)& I did. I wandered down to the legislature for shits and giggles and grabbed these with the Macro lens. I haven’t really had a lot of opportunity to use this lens but I am starting to really enjoy it.
Camera: Canon 1D Mark II
Aperture: 16
Shutter: 1/100
Lens: MP-E 65m Macro
ISO: 200
Date Taken: May.09.2005
Camera: Canon 1D Mark II
Aperture: 16
Shutter: 1/60
Lens: MP-E 65m Macro
ISO: 50
Date Taken: May.09.2005
Camera: Canon 1D Mark II
Aperture: 16
Shutter: 1/60
Lens: MP-E 65m Macro
ISO: 50
Date Taken: May.09.2005
Camera: Canon 1D Mark II
Aperture: 14
Shutter: 1/125
Lens: MP-E 65m Macro
ISO: 200
Date Taken: May.09.2005