So today we filmed some extra scenes to the Crazy artist script. Daniela and I went out this morning and film some of the montage scenes that are all HEY LOOK I HAVE INSPEARTION … :)
Day 2 DOTP
We also talked a little bit about ‘DOTP script she sounds really excited about it. I have thought about the different location that we may need to do this Flick and I feel that the Black dog and Keegans would be the best bet for the locations that are in public establishments as per the script. The hardest thing about this film will be do we make an elevator in our living room for the Elevator scenes or do we suck up to a building manager and get them to close down an elevator while we film. I am thinking that the making of a replica will be the best because then we have complete and utter control over the setting and we have no funky issues with lighting or anything. Miranda disagrees with me and says that we should get a real elevator and have it stopped and film. I think we will choice the creation method. I have no idea as of yet who I will begin to think about casting in what position as it stands but that will all come in time. I secretly would love to have this film in the can by March and be well ready to take on The 3 friends and a funeral script or start the Art Film. May be pushing it really I don’t know :)

Tomorrow I meet with Heidi in the afternoon to see what’s up and if she would like to join our team :)

Any way the director need s sleep cause the director is sick and the director needs to get his ass in gear cause there is lots of people counting on what he does :)