So today was just like any other I suppose cept we bought a digital/web camera and it kicks ass. Although it was a hard thing to buy because nobody wanted to talk to me on the phone, in person, or sell products that they carried. They didn’t really want my money at all. LOL So the story is there was this AGFA Camera that was on sale on the future shop web site but all the stores said that they couldn’t get it in house that it absolutely had to be purchased on line and that was that. So I was like what ever that is pretty dumb policy but such is life. So I went to future shop with Miranda today the only future shop that I didn’t call I might add, and what do I see on the shelf but at least 6 of these stupid cameras. Ohhh and the one that we bought (From Staples instead) was there but was mis-priced 80 dollars higher. I found the whole adventure really funny. Ahh well it is all for the better cause this one is way better. It is this USB web cam that doubles as a digital still camera very cool indeed so I have been playing with that all day :) I still haven’t heard about my school which is a little problematic for Miranda J but the woman wasn’t there any if the time that I called today but what ever she was going above a beyond by giving me her direct number so I cant complain. I will give here a shout in the morning. I went to Sunspun today and got a grand tour of the warehouse. Fuck it is huge I don’t think that I have been with in a structure that was that large ever in one uninterrupted space before BIG. He will call me tomorrow and make it official but I basically have the job, and it pays more then I thought $10.75/hr and $1000 bonus every 500 hours so very cool They are really lax about hours and stuff to so during school it should be good. Went for coffee with Cory tonight he is leaving for Van tomorrow so Miranda and I went for a coffee at Humpty’s.

But I am tired so I am off to sleep…..