As the title says the short of it all is that while I sit here in a low budget hotel in Calgary, there is a beautiful Nissan Xterra sitting in my parking spot at home! See we weren’t supposed to get it today we were to pick it up the week we returned from our Cuba Adventures. But long story short is that it was there and we had to put insurance on it anyway, so we just took it home! It is kind of cruel really. Oh ya and it fits! See…


see not bad when compared to this
So we are hanging here in our hotel room in Calgary with dreams and visions of Cuban Cigars and mojitos galore prancing around our heads like a bunch of queens at a pride parade! We made past the first part of our adventure we left the house and we are packed and ready to go!


I am going to try and do this trip off the grid so this may be the last live update you will see from me for 30 days. I promise to do a daily off-line post and photo. I am sure that I will cave and update often depending on what the internet situation all is but if not see you in 30.


Oh ya to all would be thieves of the jerks house! DON’T BOTHER! :) Everything of worth is sitting on the floor right in front of me!


3 thoughts on “So Long Story Short

  1. woot! great send off to the versa. :) the new Xterra matches its new spot and every thing, bravo my friends, bravo. i love it.

    i hope you both have the best 30 days ever!! :) see you next month.

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