…so again I am sitting in a coffee shop leeching Internet for the low cost of an over priced cup of coffee. The last time the power went out it was also the first day back after the weekend… interesting. While I am not sure what is exactly causing this particular outage (nor is BC Hydro it would seem), I am looking at the spot where it broke last time and it looks suspiciously devoid of fire, so I have to believe that there is something new to blame.

It is hilarious though because it is exactly as it was last time we basically wake up to no electricity and upon further investigation the same places that had power the last time (like the parkade of 33 water and the subway on the other side of the street) still do and we don’t. Fun stuff I tell ya.

Anyway it would seem that until the power comes back on I think that there should be a power outage Blog-A-Thon!! So yesterday I went for a photo wander with a twist. Here is a photo from that.

I like exit signs.

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