Really I think that it is all wrong, but there are a couple of programs that are PC only that simply I haven’t found a suitable replacement for, so I have resorted to soiling my Mac with Windows. I am am super amazed at how seamless Parallels is making it to  though. Its like it is really running a PC again (shudder)

13 thoughts on “Something about this seems just plain wrong!!

  1. Hope you didnt pay money for parallels.. i’ve heard vmware is much better and I think it’s free. I’ll know in a couple days :)

  2. God no I need it to run two stupid ap’s :) I have bootcamp on my Macbook and I have used it a grand total of twice :) I tried using cross over but it wouldn’t work with my apps. Where does purolator say that your Mac at?

  3. Ack, ew! Several of my friends in the architecture program here use macs with Bootcamp for a new 3D rendering program that is looking like it will be industry standard soon, or at least every bit as common in architecture firms as AutoCAD.

  4. Ugh Norm installed that on his mac- I refused to have it anywhere near mine, it’s just wrong. But it does come in handy for checking websites in PC land and IE6. Yuck.


    Okay, your turn – turn your words into a can of food over at Delicious Juice Dot Com!

  6. But ‘ware being an early adopter of 4.0. I’m still struggling, with the help of tech support, to get the new internet security to install.

  7. I use VMShareware instead of Parallels, but luckily only have to use Windows for one program.

    Can me, please, I’m donating, also.

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