Here we have a MO photo update. You people arent donating to my MO so get to it!!!!
To donate to my Mo you can either:

1. Click this link… and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account, or

2. Write a cheque payable to the ‘Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada’, referencing my Registration Number 1809071 and mailing it to:

Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada
Attn: Movember
145 Front Street East
Suite 306
Toronto Ontario M5A 1E3

Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

The money raised by Movember is donated directly to the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada who will use the funds to create awareness and fund research across the country into prevention, detection and treatment, with a goal to ending the threat of prostate cancer.