Just got in from another shoot with Per and Jodie. I have to say that they are two of my fav people that have come out for a shoot yet. They are good times indeed. Well they have told me that I have to watch the movie Zoolander, because under all the cheese there is a really funny flick there so I may actually rent it this evening. Well we will see. :) I will have more photos up from today and Sunday soon, I have had some computer issues that needed to be taken care off and I am still getting used to them so I am very inefficient as it stands right now. On another note and Friend of mine Eli has a singer songwriter that he wants to help out and try to make bigger, and He thinks that it may be a great photo opportunity for me so We will see about that. I am also still in contact with this other local Edmonton band, that wants photos and such but I have discovered that singers and bands and the like are really hard to schedule in to stuff because they are always out of town or otherwise predisposed. How ever we will see how it works out. I was thinking about putting some of my web and graphic design skills to work in doing a Mad promo package for bands and such. I could do the photos and the websites and the print work that they need done. Lay out posters and other press kit type stuff for them. I should bring this up with Eli and see what he thinks, because for portfolio and getting my name out and about I could do a lot of it although I would have to get back into the swing on the graphic design and web sites stuff because I have been out of the zone for so long well we will see. I am really starting to get bit with the filmmakers bug again. I am such a seasonal manic I swear. I may think about dusting of some tapes and finishing these ten billion weddings that I have to edit and then finish Emily and DOTP. Well we will see.
6 thoughts on “More Jodie @ Per”
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dotp before emily :)
Ahhahah Well I have to finish Emily because it is on the Hard drive and sucking all sorts of room! Not that I am like uber excited about finishing DOTP.
not that you’re not, or not that you are? how do i take that? why am i still awake? booya!
LOL I am Uber excited. Why are you awake? Why am I awake!
DOTP? Death of the Pornographer? Drunken Ostrich Terror Party? Dispairing Over Tiny Penis?
What does it MEAN man?
Well DOTP Is the working title of the last film we did. Destiny On The Phone.