So the Week has been mostly uneventful as I am basically unemployed and haven’t much else to do but business planning and the like. I did however use the time to get caught up on the plethora of untouched pictures and the other things that I have needed to do for months. I am also doing a webpage for the tour company that I worked for this summer so that should help us out financially a bunch. It is something that I have been working on for quite a while but I haven’t really had the time to get down and do it. I am also doing a free webpage for Ruckus because I am a nice guy and they have my prints up in store and stuff. I meet with Dave and Andrea this morning to talk to them about what they want, and in a manner that is highly unlike me I actually plan to get it done soon. (and Mike I am also on top of yours as well Trust me!) You see it is a kerfuckle of grand proportions. I love designing pages and doing the layout and well everything that goes with making a web page, everything except the customers that is. I really like to be free to make what I want and what I deem to be good but when we did it for money, the client or whatnot always got their sticky little fingers in the pot and would ruin everything. I have made like over 20 websites for clients that were paying gigs, and I wouldn’t even think about including any of them in a portfolio (except for the foster parents Assoc). I think that is why I redesign my sites every two weeks :) I guess the problem is that I look at them more as functional art them advertising, so when people who are most likely really good at what they do but really suck at design start sticking there 2 cents in I get a little annoyed. I suppose I could always tell them that there ideas are not in line with the design but they are after all paying for it and I do want to make them like it. Input is good and I am not perfect by any stretch of the word but I some of the things that people have asked me are crazy. My favorite is “that is great but can we make it bright pink and flashing.†Arrggg. Maybe I will do websites for worthy causes for free as long as they keep out of the design or something.
I had a photo shoot with Per yesterday as well. We did a little studio stuff & then we went out and about. I haven’t looked at the shots yet but I am sure that they rock as Per is a born model. It was actually entertaining because we went down around the Church that is across the street from the Edmonton Journal at like 5:00pm so there was all these people going home and the traffic was its usual craziness and here we were ignoring them all shooting pictures. It was fun. Miranda and I went for dinner with her Mother and Roy today; we went to Original Joes bar and grill near the Provincial Museum. It was good eats and beer, however after the meal Miranda and I promptly came home and crashed out and slept to at least 10pm. it was crazy. So being that we are now fully rested and all we decided that going to Keegans to work would be a great idea so here we are wide awake in our booth at Keegans typing and clicking away like mad. I am actually impressed to see that Miranda is out and about at 2:00 in the morning :) and here I am writing in my journal drinking coffee :)
Today’s picture of the day was actually taken on Friday. I was getting a coffee and some milk from a 7-11 and grabbed this from the car on my way out of the parking lot. (& no I didn’t take them off the hook they were just that way)
Camera: Canon EOS Canon 10D
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/45 sec
Aperture: f 5.6
Lens: 28-80mm @55mm
Date Taken: October 16 2003
I bet if people were to follow me around and watch me they would think I was an absolute lunatic. I often will see something that I want to photograph and slam on my breaks cross over three lanes, and pull up in such a manner that I done have to get out not a big deal except I am a huge fan of symmetry and will often move around till I find the ‘sweet spot’ and I can often be found moving my car three inches to the left & two forward to get the perfect angle and what have you. I am an odd one sometimes. I am actually really odd and I have been noticing it lately. I think I have a crazy visual recognition disorder or something. Hhahha I just thought of the movie “The Royal Tenenbaums†and the kid that Bill Murray was studying with the crazy disorder. But I think I am like that for real. I will be looking at something and see the silly stupid part while missing the obvious. For example I am an awful web surfer. For when I am at a website I can’t find the link that I am looking for even though it is flashing and bright red in 72pt font but I notice every word of the copyright that is at the bottom of the page in 2pt font. (it drives Miranda nuts) Or we will be driving around and I pick out the guy out of a crowd that is leaning on a light post smoking a cigarette while speeding by in a car and totally miss the bright spray painted pink car that passed us at a snails pace. When I was a kid my mother would send me to the garage to get a screwdriver or what have you and I would look and look and look and not be able to find it, but when she went out it would be sitting right out in the open. I don’t know maybe I am normal but I miss the blatantly obvious and see the obscure. I also have this crazy visual memory of places and things. I can see a picture that was taken in an place or an area and know where it is and how to get there. Perhaps I am overreacting. However, Miranda is ready to go now as it is quite late so I will continue this all at home.
Ok so here I am at home now I also bought dome peppers on Friday as well. I am trying to reproduce my pepper series using the 10D so they can be larger then an 8X10 if needed. I however bought the peppers on sale so they weren’t as perfect as the first ones. These were overripe and starting to get all wrinkly, we will see what I can get from them. I shot everything with the camera on a tripod and connected directly to my laptop. I was then able to use the remote capture software to do test shots and see the shots that I took in full detail before moving on to the next pose. It is an awesome way to go about doing things if you are shooting things that don’t get restless and move :) You can really relax and take your time to get the right shot.
Camera: Canon EOS Canon 10D
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/180 sec
Aperture: f 32
Lens: 75-300mm @300mm
Date Taken: October 16 2003
Camera: Canon EOS Canon 10D
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/180 sec
Aperture: f 32
Lens: 75-300mm @75mm
Date Taken: October 16 2003
you can really see the wrinkles that are on the red one in the second photo, but what can you do when they were a dollar fifty a pound instead of four. I will buy some better peppers later and try again. I suppose that I should think about going to bed sometime but I am really not tired in the least. We are going to Westlock tomorrow to have a belated Thanksgiving dinner at Miranda’s grandmothers, so I do need to be a functional human. :)