My building is awesome. If you haven’t heard me rave about our Amenities building before you will now. We have an awesome user run art building that contains pottery/wood/metal/print making/music studios as well a awesome darkroom that I help run. one of the things that we have acquired for the darkroom is the every lovely Epson V750 Film scanner.
This is a reasonably cost effective film scanner that will scan Negatives up to 8X10 and at way better quality then I could have imagined from a flatbed. I haven’t until recently had the opportunity to play with this magnificent beast until recently but I am super impressed with speed and quality!
I took this opportunity to develop a bunch of random rolls of film that I have had laying about (Truthfully I have a large box of undeveloped film some dating back to 2001) and I feel I should share.
This is from a trip to Tofino in 2009 (where we recorded the Tofino sessions)