Camera: Seagull TLR
Aperture: 3.5
Shutter: around 1/4th
Lens: Seagull 75mm
Film: Kodak Portra VC 400
Date Taken: October 30th 2007
2 thoughts on “Some Fright Night With the Seagull!”
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Camera: Seagull TLR
Aperture: 3.5
Shutter: around 1/4th
Lens: Seagull 75mm
Film: Kodak Portra VC 400
Date Taken: October 30th 2007
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Cool! I am gonna try this. I am Jerome, by the way. I am from the Philippines and I am a photography virgin and a lomo enthusiast. I have had 3 photo sessions already and for a self-learned person (yup. no workshop or training or whatsover), I think I was able to take decent pictures. I would just like to ask if you have special ISO or aperture settings when you use color slide films. I have read in some forums that they pushed down the ISO setting to underexpose the film so that when x-pro’d, pictures will be awesome.
Anyway, you are new favorite person and definitely an inspiration. Keep clicking! Cheers! (P.S. Oh, and I love your domain name!)
Hey Jerome! Thanks for the words you rock and made my day! As for X-pro i usually push the film two stops (either two stops in camera, or one in camera one in the developing, or two in developing) There is a few great websites that can go into a little more detail one in particular i will check out you site!