Only because there is always a ton of people that always ask me about living in our building, I thought that I would let the masses know about this

Yup I think all the details should be on the website or phone Wayne at that number

UPDATE!!! – I was blogging this while getting coffee so I didn’t look at the website but it would seem that this it the place across the hall from us!! 411 so if you want to live out side my door you can :P

2 thoughts on “For all those people that wanna live in gastown

  1. You have to help lift boxes, then. Lots of design books. Heavy paper, hard covers, y’know, good hefty stuff.

  2. ahh see that is what moving dolly’s are all about! :) When we moved to Vancouver it was me a really big uhaul and a moving dolly. I had us moved out in no time and moved in in even less. I love them so much that i actually own one:)

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