It must be Calgary! More specifically Calgary in the winter! A fun photo from the Great Matt Good Road trip in the fall of 2007! An epic road trip where we made sure to leave absolutly no white trash bar untouched and despite the prevalence of mullets and AC-DC karaoke I had a great time!! I think it was the drugs that they added to the Pilsner (we were in Pil country after all)
This one is an after dark photo that I managed to hand hold at some currently unknown yet ridiculously low shutter speed. the fact that I am sure I was wide open at 1.4 and was most likely at ISO 10billion. Not to mention that I probably took 6 in a row and then choose the clearest one has nothing to do with it. It was all skill people! all skill :) I could dig out the raw file and check the exif but I am sure that this is less work! :)