Today I again get to play host to a random Albertan! This time however it involves snowboarding. Yessiry today A & I are up to cypress to bomb down hills with all the early retired ski folk that also have nothing better to do on a Tuesday then ski. So yup here I am preparing to go snowboarding! And by preparing I mean I am loading some new music on my zune! :) I just wiped it last night to start anew because I am really anal about ID3 Tags and album covers. In fact I would rather wander around with missing music then have 59 songs named “Track 1/Unknown Artist/Album†and 25 more that are really the same song. I am taking Miranda’s P&S today so for the first time ever I will have some photos of the snowboarding adventure. Till then you get a random car that I found in Coquitlam!